Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Feeling lost? Let down? Falling apart?

If so, then know that you are not alone. We all experience our fair share of hardships from time to time – life is a journey, and none of us are immune to the many bumps and cracks that appear along the way.

No matter how strong you may know you are – because let’s face it, you ARE strong – there will be those moments when sometimes, something has got to give.

Health problems, heartbreak, disappointment, impossible situations…if you're unable to see a way out, know this:

Nothing is hopeless…
You are not alone…
And know that THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Like and share this post with anyone you know that may be going through a hard time…show them that they are not alone.

From the Law of attraction via facebook 25/6/2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014

15 of the Most Passionate Lines in Romance Novels


taken by WordPorn @ facebook


1. “When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. . . . Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. . . . For that is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away.”
This quote, taken from Mandolin by Louis de Bernières takes on the comparison between lust and love, showing the distinction between the two. That excitement many of us confuse for love is fleeting; love is everlasting.
2. “If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”
This Wuthering Heights character knows that her love would always carry her with him when she was gone, but she would have no idea what to do if he was to be no more. This is one line that makes Emile Bronte a classic author.
3. “A soulmate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master.”
While Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love may not be a romance in the traditional sense, it is definitely a love story. In this memoir, Gilbert falls in love not only with a man, but also the world.
4. “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.”
Again, A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh is not a romance, but this friendly type of love is so passionate that it cannot go overlooked.
5. “I have for the first time found what I can truly love – I have found you. You are my sympathy – my better self – my good angel; I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, wraps my existence about you – and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.”
Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre is one of the first classic romances many high school students read – and for good reason. This depiction of finding your other half is well-written and passionate to the core.
6. “It has made me better loving you … it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter. I used to want a great many things before, and to be angry that I did not have them. Theoretically, I was satisfied. I flattered myself that I had limited my wants. But I was subject to irritation; I used to have morbid sterile hateful fits of hunger, of desire. Now I really am satisfied, because I can’t think of anything better.”
In The Portrait of a Lady, Henry James describes a love that can make you feel complete, one that leaves you truly satisfied.
7. “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.”

In one of her famous journals, Anais Nin wrote not only about the passionate of consummate love, but also the passion involved in those dying sparks.
8. “You said, ‘I love you.’ Why is it that the most unoriginal thing we can say to one another is still the thing we long to hear? ‘I love you’ is always a quotation. You did not say it first and neither did I, yet when you say it and when I say it we speak like savages who have found three words and worship them.”
Jeannette Winterson talks about that “new” feeling of falling in love in Written on the Body. That feeling, as if you are the first person in the world to feel such raw passion, is amazing.
9. “The way her body existed only where he touched her. The rest of her was smoke.”
Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things speaks passionately of intimacy and that feeling of being connected to another person in such a way that you are hyper-focused on every single movement.
10. “He was now in that state of fire that she loved. She wanted to be burnt.”
Anais Nin’s erotic tale, Delta of Venus, depicts a passionate scene in which a woman is so enamored by her lover that she cannot contain her excitement.
11. “I love people. Everybody. I love them, I think, as a stamp collector loves his collection. Every story, every incident, every bit of conversation is raw material for me. My love’s not impersonal yet not wholly subjective either. I would like to be everyone, a cripple, a dying man, a whore, and then come back to write about my thoughts, my emotions, as that person. But I am not omniscient. I have to live my life, and it is the only one I’ll ever have.”
Reading some parts of Sylvia Plath’s Unabridged Journals makes you feel as if you are reading an ode to life. She is passionate about many things, and the mysterious lives of others are among the things she speaks freely of.
12. “I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.”
When Ian McEwan’s Atonement became a movie in 2007, people were shocked by the twist ending. Fortunately, the novel gives us some sweetly passionate lines about love.
13. “She is all the great heroines of the world in one. She is more than an individual. I love her, and I must make her love me. I want to make Romeo jealous. I want the dead lovers of the world to hear our laughter, and grow sad. I want a breath of our passion to stir dust into consciousness, to wake their ashes into pain. ”
Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray is a depiction of a man exploring sensuality for the first time. In these lines, we catch a glimpse of his exhilarating adoration.
14. “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. The more I give thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.”
As the Elizabethan king of romance, Shakespeare knew how to light a fire. In these lines, he describes a love so overwhelming that he cannot see anything beyond it.
15. “He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began.”
Leo Tolstoy wrote about an intimacy that only somebody with real passion would be able to explain – that feeling of truly being one with another human being.
Passion is subjective; however, there is no arguing that these quotes offer a glimpse of romance so overwhelming that the character can no longer contain it.


7 of the Most Awe-Inspiring Lines in Fiction


taken by WordPorn @ facebook

1. “And In That Moment, I Swear We Were Infinite”
This memorable quote can be found in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, a sweet and valued coming of age novel written by Stephen Chbosky,. While the book is littered with memorable quotes, this one stands out above all and makes all of its readers stop for a moment and wonder if they’ve had but a single moment when they’ve felt this way, or if them ever will.

2. “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”
The Fault in Our Stars written byJohn Green is an honest portrayal of what life is life living as a teenage cancer patient. Despite the books heartbreaking nature, the young protagonist finds hope and love even in her bleakest hour, spinning us this memorable line as she does.

3. “Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”
George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire has reached millions of people across the globe. Within the five books of the uncompleted series, there are countless eye-opening and life-affirming quotes but perhaps none more so than this which comes from the first book in the series, Game of Thrones. If ever there was a quote to make you embrace your true self, this is it.

4. “I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough..”
Nicholas Sparks is famous for his best selling romance/drama novels and most of all for his sensational world class novel The Notebook. This line from the novels hero is truly awe-inspiring and makes its reader sit back and wonder about their own life, their own accomplishments, and their own love story.

5. “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
Featured in Lady Windermere’s Fan by Oscar Wilde, this quote reminds us of the power of dreams and the importance of belief. It teaches us that even in the bleakest of situations, beauty and hope can always be found in the world and it reminds us that everyone is equal and the only real difference between us is the faith we carry.

6. “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
Written by Neil Gaiman in his novelCoraline, this line teaches us all we really need to know about life. It reminds us that yes, there is going to be a struggle and hard times will fall upon us but that every struggle can be beaten.

7. “We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.”
Taken from Veronica Roth’s young adult novelDivergent, this quote reminds us about the power of self-worth and that ever act of kindness counts and is brave in its own unique way.