Wednesday, July 9, 2014

“Ασ΄ τους άλλους. Εσύ ο ίδιος, που ευθύνεσαι; Τι προσάπτεις στον εαυτό σου; Από εκεί θα βρεθούν τα υπόλοιπα. Όσο αυτό δεν γίνεται, η κρίση θα παρατείνεται, το σάπισμα θα βαθαίνει και τα φαινόμενα της ανομίας θα γίνονται πιο άγρια. Ψυχή έχουμε· δεν έχουμε κατανόηση του εαυτού μας. Άλλο να είσαι έξυπνος και άλλο να κατανοείς. Η κατανόηση είναι ένας βαθμός πάνω από την εξυπνάδα και την γνώση· είναι μία ευαισθησία βαθύτερη, η οποία έχει να κάνει με το κατά πόσο βγαίνουμε από τον εαυτό μας.
Παριστάνουμε ή νομίζουμε ότι είμαστε πολύ κοινωνικοί, ενώ στο βάθος έχουμε έναν συναισθηματικό εγωκεντρισμό που μας οδηγεί σε ναυάγια και καταθλίψεις. Ενδιαφέρει αυτή την ώρα της κρίσεως να κοιταχτούμε απ’ έξω. Τι σημαίνει «απ’ έξω»; Σημαίνει αντί να παίρνουμε θέσεις, να κατανοούμε. Έτσι και στον εαυτό μας θα μένουμε και θα ισορροπούμε. Αντίθετα, εμείς καθρεφτιζόμαστε στις επιθυμίες μας, δηλαδή δεν κοιταζόμαστε πουθενά. Υπάρχει περίπτωση να βρεθούμε;”
Στέλιος Ράμφος / Η λογική της παράνοιας

Philosopher Martha Nussbaum on How to Live with Our Human Fragility

“To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control.”
In 1988, Bill Moyers produced a series of intelligent, inspiring, provocative conversations with a diverse set of cultural icons, ranging from Isaac Asimov to Noam Chomsky to Chinua Achebe. It was unlike any public discourse to have ever graced the national television airwaves before. The following year, the interviews were transcribed and collected in the magnificent tome Bill Moyers: A World of Ideas (public library). But for all its evenness of brilliance, one conversation in the series stands out for its depth, dimension, intensity, and timelessness — that with philosopher Martha Nussbaum, one of the most remarkable and luminous minds of our time, who sat down to talk with Moyers shortly after the publication of enormously stimulating book The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy.

Martha Nussbaum
Moyers begins by framing Nussbaum’s singular approach to philosophy and, by extension, to the art of living:
MOYERS: The common perception of a philosopher is of a thinker of abstract thoughts. But stories and myths seem to be important to you as a philosopher.
NUSSBAUM: Very important, because I think that the language of philosophy has to come back from the abstract heights on which it so often lives to the richness of everyday discourse and humanity. It has to listen to the ways that people talk about themselves and what matters to them. One very good way to do this is to listen to stories.
Reflecting on the timeless wisdom of the Greek myths and tragedies, particularly Euripides’s Hecuba, Nussbaum considers the essence of good personhood, which necessitates accepting the basic insecurity of existence and embracing uncertainty. She tells Moyers:
To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control, that can lead you to be shattered in very extreme circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something very important about the human condition of the ethical life: that it is based on a trust in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it’s based on being more like a plant than like a jewel, something rather fragile, but whose very particular beauty is inseparable from its fragility.
The paradox of the human condition, Nussbaum reminds us, is that while our capacity for vulnerability — and, by extension, our ability to trust others — may be what allows for tragedy to befall us, the greatest tragedy of all is the attempt to guard against hurt by petrifying that essential softness of the soul, for that denies our basic humanity:
Being a human means accepting promises from other people and trusting that other people will be good to you. When that is too much to bear, it is always possible to retreat into the thought, “I’ll live for my own comfort, for my own revenge, for my own anger, and I just won’t be a member of society anymore.” That really means, “I won’t be a human being anymore.”
You see people doing that today where they feel that society has let them down, and they can’t ask anything of it, and they can’t put their hopes on anything outside themselves. You see them actually retreating to a life in which they think only of their own satisfaction, and maybe the satisfaction of their revenge against society. But the life that no longer trusts another human being and no longer forms ties to the political community is not a human life any longer.

Illustration by Alice and Martin Provensen from 'The Iliad and the Odyssey: A Giant Golden Book.' Click image for details.
Things get significantly more complicated, however, when we find ourselves in binds that seem to call for tragedy by asking us to make impossible choices between multiple things we hold dear. Nussbaum illustrates this by pointing to Aeschylus’s Agamemnon, in which the king-protagonist has to choose between saving his army and saving his daughter. The same tragedy plays out on a smaller scale in everyday dilemmas, such as juggling your career with being a good parent. Most of the time, as Nussbaum puts it, the two “enrich each other and make the life of each of them better.” But sometimes, practical circumstances pose such insurmountable challenges like an important meeting and your child’s school play happening at the same time — one of these two priorities inevitably suffers, not because you are a bad parent or a bad leader, but because life just happens that way. Therein lies the human predicament — the more we aspire to live well, according to our commitments and priorities, the more we welcome such tragic choices. And yet the solution isn’t not to aspire. Nussbaum tells Moyers:
Tragedy happens only when you are trying to live well, because for a heedless person who doesn’t have deep commitments to others, Agamemnon’s conflict isn’t a tragedy…
Now the lesson certainly is not to try to maximize conflict or to romanticize struggle and suffering, but it’s rather that you should care about things in a way that makes it a possibility that tragedy will happen to you. If you hold your commitments lightly, in such a way that you can always divest yourself from one or the other of them if they conflict, then it doesn’t hurt you when things go badly. But you want people to live their lives with a deep seriousness of commitment: not to adjust their desires to the way the world actually goes, but rather to try to wrest from the world the good life that they desire. And sometimes that does lead them into tragedy.
Perhaps Alan Watts was right when he advised not to fight the world’s contradictions but to conceive of the universe as “a harmonious system of contained conflicts.”
Bill Moyers: A World of Ideas is a treasure trove in its entirety, featuring many more conversations with luminaries spanning art, science, psychology, literature, the creative spirit, and just about every aspect of life. Complement this particular one with Nussbaum’s advice on living a full life.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Feeling lost? Let down? Falling apart?

If so, then know that you are not alone. We all experience our fair share of hardships from time to time – life is a journey, and none of us are immune to the many bumps and cracks that appear along the way.

No matter how strong you may know you are – because let’s face it, you ARE strong – there will be those moments when sometimes, something has got to give.

Health problems, heartbreak, disappointment, impossible situations…if you're unable to see a way out, know this:

Nothing is hopeless…
You are not alone…
And know that THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Like and share this post with anyone you know that may be going through a hard time…show them that they are not alone.

From the Law of attraction via facebook 25/6/2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014

15 of the Most Passionate Lines in Romance Novels


taken by WordPorn @ facebook


1. “When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. . . . Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. . . . For that is just being in love; which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over, when being in love has burned away.”
This quote, taken from Mandolin by Louis de Bernières takes on the comparison between lust and love, showing the distinction between the two. That excitement many of us confuse for love is fleeting; love is everlasting.
2. “If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”
This Wuthering Heights character knows that her love would always carry her with him when she was gone, but she would have no idea what to do if he was to be no more. This is one line that makes Emile Bronte a classic author.
3. “A soulmate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master.”
While Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love may not be a romance in the traditional sense, it is definitely a love story. In this memoir, Gilbert falls in love not only with a man, but also the world.
4. “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.”
Again, A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh is not a romance, but this friendly type of love is so passionate that it cannot go overlooked.
5. “I have for the first time found what I can truly love – I have found you. You are my sympathy – my better self – my good angel; I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, wraps my existence about you – and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.”
Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre is one of the first classic romances many high school students read – and for good reason. This depiction of finding your other half is well-written and passionate to the core.
6. “It has made me better loving you … it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter. I used to want a great many things before, and to be angry that I did not have them. Theoretically, I was satisfied. I flattered myself that I had limited my wants. But I was subject to irritation; I used to have morbid sterile hateful fits of hunger, of desire. Now I really am satisfied, because I can’t think of anything better.”
In The Portrait of a Lady, Henry James describes a love that can make you feel complete, one that leaves you truly satisfied.
7. “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.”

In one of her famous journals, Anais Nin wrote not only about the passionate of consummate love, but also the passion involved in those dying sparks.
8. “You said, ‘I love you.’ Why is it that the most unoriginal thing we can say to one another is still the thing we long to hear? ‘I love you’ is always a quotation. You did not say it first and neither did I, yet when you say it and when I say it we speak like savages who have found three words and worship them.”
Jeannette Winterson talks about that “new” feeling of falling in love in Written on the Body. That feeling, as if you are the first person in the world to feel such raw passion, is amazing.
9. “The way her body existed only where he touched her. The rest of her was smoke.”
Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things speaks passionately of intimacy and that feeling of being connected to another person in such a way that you are hyper-focused on every single movement.
10. “He was now in that state of fire that she loved. She wanted to be burnt.”
Anais Nin’s erotic tale, Delta of Venus, depicts a passionate scene in which a woman is so enamored by her lover that she cannot contain her excitement.
11. “I love people. Everybody. I love them, I think, as a stamp collector loves his collection. Every story, every incident, every bit of conversation is raw material for me. My love’s not impersonal yet not wholly subjective either. I would like to be everyone, a cripple, a dying man, a whore, and then come back to write about my thoughts, my emotions, as that person. But I am not omniscient. I have to live my life, and it is the only one I’ll ever have.”
Reading some parts of Sylvia Plath’s Unabridged Journals makes you feel as if you are reading an ode to life. She is passionate about many things, and the mysterious lives of others are among the things she speaks freely of.
12. “I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.”
When Ian McEwan’s Atonement became a movie in 2007, people were shocked by the twist ending. Fortunately, the novel gives us some sweetly passionate lines about love.
13. “She is all the great heroines of the world in one. She is more than an individual. I love her, and I must make her love me. I want to make Romeo jealous. I want the dead lovers of the world to hear our laughter, and grow sad. I want a breath of our passion to stir dust into consciousness, to wake their ashes into pain. ”
Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray is a depiction of a man exploring sensuality for the first time. In these lines, we catch a glimpse of his exhilarating adoration.
14. “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. The more I give thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.”
As the Elizabethan king of romance, Shakespeare knew how to light a fire. In these lines, he describes a love so overwhelming that he cannot see anything beyond it.
15. “He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began.”
Leo Tolstoy wrote about an intimacy that only somebody with real passion would be able to explain – that feeling of truly being one with another human being.
Passion is subjective; however, there is no arguing that these quotes offer a glimpse of romance so overwhelming that the character can no longer contain it.


7 of the Most Awe-Inspiring Lines in Fiction


taken by WordPorn @ facebook

1. “And In That Moment, I Swear We Were Infinite”
This memorable quote can be found in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, a sweet and valued coming of age novel written by Stephen Chbosky,. While the book is littered with memorable quotes, this one stands out above all and makes all of its readers stop for a moment and wonder if they’ve had but a single moment when they’ve felt this way, or if them ever will.

2. “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”
The Fault in Our Stars written byJohn Green is an honest portrayal of what life is life living as a teenage cancer patient. Despite the books heartbreaking nature, the young protagonist finds hope and love even in her bleakest hour, spinning us this memorable line as she does.

3. “Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”
George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire has reached millions of people across the globe. Within the five books of the uncompleted series, there are countless eye-opening and life-affirming quotes but perhaps none more so than this which comes from the first book in the series, Game of Thrones. If ever there was a quote to make you embrace your true self, this is it.

4. “I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough..”
Nicholas Sparks is famous for his best selling romance/drama novels and most of all for his sensational world class novel The Notebook. This line from the novels hero is truly awe-inspiring and makes its reader sit back and wonder about their own life, their own accomplishments, and their own love story.

5. “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
Featured in Lady Windermere’s Fan by Oscar Wilde, this quote reminds us of the power of dreams and the importance of belief. It teaches us that even in the bleakest of situations, beauty and hope can always be found in the world and it reminds us that everyone is equal and the only real difference between us is the faith we carry.

6. “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
Written by Neil Gaiman in his novelCoraline, this line teaches us all we really need to know about life. It reminds us that yes, there is going to be a struggle and hard times will fall upon us but that every struggle can be beaten.

7. “We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.”
Taken from Veronica Roth’s young adult novelDivergent, this quote reminds us about the power of self-worth and that ever act of kindness counts and is brave in its own unique way.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Να ζεις μόνο για σένα αν μπορείς γιατί ,μόνο για σένα αν πεθάνεις ,πέθανες . (Κεβέδο)

Γιωργος Χαραβοπουλος via facebook
"Δεν έχω θυμό μέσα μου. Δεν έχω έχθρα για κανέναν. Όμως μέσα μου κοιμάται μια λύπη. Μη την ξυπνάς. Η λύπη όταν την ξυπνάν γίνεται θάνατος"

Vlaxos Xrusovalantis via facebook
Hear my roar my fellow warriors, be encouraged, fill yourselves with faith, stand erect and put  your feet steadily on the ground. Never let the desires and dreams of the old go away, and keep fighting towards your goal. Keep yourselves on the path of increase but be prepared for impact, for every good and nobel cause is not easily attained. Let your wishes and desires flow like water, like the blood in your veins.

Keep the good fight.
I choose to rise from whatever curb life or any other throws at me for that matter. I choose to stay focused, positive, determined, fighting and give every moment, every second my all, my complete and undivided focus. I choose to always rise from whatever hell, and whatever depths I am thrown or pushed down. Hell as far as I am concerned is only a corridor however narrow and unsettling that leads to building a strong character, that leads to greeatness. So i choose, TO STAND!

Be encouraged my fellow warriors, my fellow humans! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Ο λόγος και ο χρόνος λίγος, κάτι με σπρώχνει να βιαστώ, να γράψω αυτό που υπάρχει μέσα μου, κάτι σαν μια γραπτή φωτογραφία του συναισθήματος αυτού....Ο χρόνος, ο χώρος, οι εποχές δεν υπάρχουν....

Υπάρχεις μόνο εσύ και εγώ, δύο μορφές πλασμένες πρίν από την αρχή του χρόνου και καταδικασμένες να αποζητούν η μία την άλλη χωρίς να γαληνεύουν αν δεν βρεθούν μαζί...

Αν δεν γίνουν ένα....

Ακόμη όπως και η ένωσή τους....
Σπινθήρας, φωτιά, ένα μεγάλο και άλυτο πρόβλημα...

Η ίδια η ζωή η ένωσή τους.....

Η ένωσή μας....

Ανεβαίνω πάνω από τα έλλογα, από τα απλά και τα καθημερινά...

Σκαρφαλώνω πάνω από τα υπέρλογα, υπερνικώ τα παράλογα και....και δηλώνω σθεναρά με όλη μου την δύναμη.

Θα χτυπάω αυτό τον τοίχο μέχρι να τον γκρεμίσω συθέμελα, τα όπλα μου....η καρδιά μου, το μυαλό μου, το σώμα μου.....πάνω απ όλα....η αγάπη!

Ο ωκεανός αγάπης που υπάρχει μέσα μου από τότε που κατάλαβα τον εαυτό μου...

Ο ωκεανός που τόσο προσεχτικά έκρυβα μέσα μου....

Γκρεμίζω τα τείχη μου και αφήνω το νερό να ξεχυθεί...να μας παρασύρει και τους δύο....να μας πάρει μαζί του, να μας βαπτίσει ξανά....ώς.....ώς εμάς!

Κάνω ένα άλμα πίστης χωρίς την παραμικρή αμφιβολία και χωρίς τον παραμικρό φόβο...

Κοιτάω τα βαθιά σου μάτια....Μάτια τόσο βαθιά όσο η άβυσσος που παλεύω κάθε νύχτα...

Μάτια τόσο φωτεινά όσο το πάλλευκο φώς το οποίο αναζητώ πάντα!

Μάτια που δεν βρίσκω την αρχή τους ούτε το τέλος τους, μάτια που σαν ένα ατέλειωτο κουβάρι με έχουν χάσει μέσα τους, χωρίς ελπίδα να βγώ.....

Μάτια σαν ένας μίτος της Αριάδνης που δεν δείχνει ποτέ την έξοδο...

Αλλά...και να την έδειχναν....δεν θα ήθελα να βγώ!!!

Σε κοιτώ σ αυτά τα μάτια, την αρχή και το τέλος, αυτά τα μάτια χωρίς αρχή και δίχως τέλος και σου ζητώ...να....

Να τελειώσεις την αγωνία μου

 Και να πλύνεις τα μάτια σου...από τα δάκρυα, την μοναξιά, τον πόνο...

Στον ωκεανό της αγάπης μου...

Θέλω μια ζωή γεμάτη με ποίηση, νόημα, περιπέτειες, ηρωισμούς, νεύρα, καβγάδες, φιλιώματα, ζεστά Κυριακάτικα πρωινά στο κρεβάτι, να σου πιάνω το χέρι όταν είσαι αγχωμένη και να σε ησυχάζω, να με χαιδεύεις το πρόσωπο όταν δεν μπορώ να ηρεμήσω και να με τιθασσεύεις, μια ζωή σε μπαλκόνια της ποίησης, μια ζωή όχι παραμύθι, αληθινή ως το μεδούλι της, με θεμέλια πιό γερά από τα θεμέλια του κόσμου, μια ζωή....

Carpe diem!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Τί θα έκανες..... Ζείς...Πονάς, πεθαίνεις, ανασταίνεσαι και... και ισορροπείς στην κόψη του ξυραφιού κάθε μέρα... δεν ξεχνάς να ζείς την κάθε στιγμή και το κάνεις με τόση μα τόση θέρμη!!! Απλές, καθημερινές εντολές....Του Καζαντζάκη, του Γκάντι, του Λένον...Και τόσων άλλων...... Και εκεί που είσαι βυθισμένος μεσα στην απόλυτα γνώριμη και ταυτόχρονα απόλυτα άβολη τρέλα σου...τη δική σου τρέλα... Ξαφνικά...σαν να βλέπεις στο πεδίο της μάχης μια οπτασία.. Μια νεράιδα...ένα ξωτικό, ένα ξωτικό της νύχτας... στην αρχή δεν δίνεις σημασία σκεπτόμενος ότι είναι ή οφθαλμαπάτη ή τέχνασμα του εχθρού..σου μιλάει, και τα λόγια ενεργοποιούν ένα κομμάτι σου που το έχεις προφυλάξει καλά, με 1000 αλυσίδες του Ηφαίστου και 1000 λουκέτα κλειδώσει για να μην το βρεί κανείς, ίσως ούτε και εσύ... όχι γιατί φοβάσαι...σταμάτησες να φοβάσαι την 8η φορά που πέθανες σαν γάτα λές ότι είσαι στην τελευταία σου ψυχή! όταν ήρθε η ώρα να πεθάνεις, πέθανες με χαρά, γιατί...γιατί πίστευες στον σκοπό και...και το έκανες με χαρά..όχι για το καθήκον... αλλα για το μόνο λόγο που καταλαβαίνεις και τόσο προσεχτικά κρύβεις.. την αγάπη, το υπέρτατο αγαθό, αυτό που μας ξεχωρίζει από τα άψυχα και μας ενώνει ακόμα και με το πιό άγριο κτήνος... απλά σκέφτεσαι....ποιά είσαι και τολμάς; έχεις δεί τόσα... αλλά η σκέψη σαν πυρωμένο σίδερο μέσα σου που ξέχασαν να τραβήξουν συνεχίζει αργά, σαδιστικά, σίγουρα...να σε καίει... ποιά είσαι....ποιά είσαι...με πιό δικαίωμα... το απαγορεύεις, άλλωστε εσύ είσαι ο περισπούδαστος, ο ελεύθερος, το περήφανο άτι, έχεις τινάξει τόσους αναβάτες! αλλά όσο σκέφτεσαι...κοντοστέκεσαι....κοιτάς, παρατηρείς.. εξετάζεις...και όσο κοιτάς....συνεχίζεις να κοιτάς...θέλεις κι άλλο να κοιτάς... και...η ερώτηση αποκτά άλλη χροιά ξαφνικά... πιο μειλήχια, πιό γλυκιά.. ποιά είσαι...ποιά είσαι... μήπως είσαι..ποιά είσαι... ο εσωτερικός μονόλογος αδυσώπητος, τα αποτελέσματά του εμφανή, σε κουράζει, σε τυραννάει, σε κάνει να γυρνάς γύρω από τον εαυτό σου, σου καταναλώνει σκέψη, αισθήματα... δεν σε νοιάζει...έχεις τόσα αποθέματα...ένα κομμάτι του εαυτού σου που είναι τόσο μεγάλο και τόσο πρωτόγονο σε δύναμη σαν τον άγριο ωκεανό και το έχεις κρύψει τόσο προσεχτικά από σχεδόν όλους...σχεδόν... your love is as boundless as the sea... το ερώτημα είναι εκεί...βράχος μπροστά σου, μέσα στη θάλασσα... το θέμα είναι ένα...ποιά είσαι; και...ξέρεις εγώ ποιός είμαι; θα μάθω ποιά είσαι...! και θα σου δείξω ποιός είμαι..! το θεμελιώδες ερώτημα είναι... ποιοί..ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Vishan Bablee Morrison was reputed to have had an I.Q. of 160, and read widely and voraciously—being particularly inspired by the writings of philosophers and poets. He was influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche, whose views on aesthetics, morality, and the Apollonian and Dionysian duality would appear in his conversation, poetry and songs.[citation needed] He read Plutarch’s "Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans". He read the works of the French Symbolist poet Arthur Rimbaud, whose style would later influence the form of Morrison’s short prose poems.[citation needed] He was influenced by Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Charles Baudelaire, Molière, Franz Kafka, Honoré de Balzac and Jean Cocteau, along with most of the French existentialist philosophers[citation needed]. His senior-year English teacher said, "Jim read as much and probably more than any student in class, but everything he read was so offbeat I had another teacher (who was going to the Library of Congress) check to see if the books Jim was reporting on actually existed. I suspected he was making them up, as they were English books on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century demonology. I’d never heard of them, but they existed, and I’m convinced from the paper he wrote that he read them, and the Library of Congress would’ve been the only source.
Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration from those who look fear in the face and become victorious!

Monday, February 17, 2014

If people aren't laughing at your goals, your goals are too small.
Έρωτα ακαταμάχητε, έρωτα που κάνεις κτήματα σου όλους σ΄ όσους επιπέσεις, εσύ που διανυκτερεύεις στα τρυφερά μάγουλα της νέας και τριγυρίζεις πάνω από τις θάλασσες και σε αυλές αγροτικών καλυβών. Εσύ και δικαίους ανθρώπους σπρώχνεις στην αδικία.
"Today, today… at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we've chosen not only to believe in ourselves but in each other. Today, there’s not a man nor woman in here that shall stand alone. Not today. Today we face the monsters that are at our door and bring the fight to them! Today, we are cancelling the apocalypse!" -Pacific Rim

Friday, February 14, 2014

Luke MichAlkioni Papadaki - Αλκυόνη Παπαδάκη Και εσείς που αρέσκεστε... να πληγώνεται και να βασανίζετε ψυχές... τι νομίζατε, ότι υπάρχουν νοσοκομεία ψυχών...;... ότι θα κλείσεις ραντεβού σε έναν γιατρό... θα σου δώσει μία θεραπεία και καθάρισες..;... ή νομίζατε ότι θα γλυτώσετε... πως δεν θα σας κλείσει κάποιος σε μία φυλακή... για να μην βιάζετε ψυχές...; λοιπόν οι πληγές της ψυχής δεν θεραπεύονται... μόνο παυσίπονο μπορείς να βρεις στην ανθρωπιά ... και στην αγάπη...άμα τύχει και τις βρεις στον δρόμο σου... ξέρεις μία αιματοβαμμένη ψυχή δεν είναι ελκυστική... όλοι την αποφεύγουν...για να μην γεμίσουν αίματα... αλλά εσείς συνεχίζετε να αρέσκεστε... να πυροβολείτε τον ανήμπορο... μέχρι να τον αποτελειώσετε... τα όπλα σας είναι η υποκρισία και το μίσος... η δίψα σας για αίμα...για πληγωμένες ψυχές... νομίζατε λοιπόν πως θα γλυτώσετε... μόνοι σας όμως χτίζετε τα κελιά σας... τοίχοι ορθώνονται γύρω σας... οι πλίνθοι τους ενώνονται... με το αίμα των πληγωμένων ψυχών... δεν θα αργήσει να φυλακιστείτε στα λάθη σας... στα αδηφάγα πάθη σας... να νιώσετε όπως νιώθουν... αυτοί που τραυματίσατε... που πληγώσατε... που θανατώσατε τα όνειρα τους... που καταστρέψατε ότι πιο ιερό... το δικαίωμα τους να ζήσουν... σαν άνθρωποι... άσπιλοι, αλώβητοι... (Λ.Μ.) — με Kali Ioannou
Εκφραση Ζωης Έλα να ανταλλάξουμε κορμὶ και μοναξιά. Να σου δώσω απόγνωση, να μην είσαι ζώο, να μου δώσεις δύναμη, να μην είμαι ράκος. Να σου δώσω συντριβή, να μην είσαι μούτρο, να μου δώσεις χόβολη, να μην ξεπαγιάσω. Κι ύστερα να πέσω με κατάνυξη στα πόδια σου, για να μάθεις πια να μην κλωτσάς. Ντ. Χριστιανόπουλος
Εκφραση Ζωης Εγώ σου χρωστάω το τραγούδι και την ελπίδα, τα δάκρυα και πάλι την ελπίδα. Στην πιο μικρή στιγμή μαζί σου έζησα όλη μου τη ζωή. Κι ύστερα τίποτα άλλο παρά η αγάπη μας. Τίποτα άλλο παρά εγώ κι εσύ. Κι ούτε χτες, ούτε αύριο, τίποτα άλλο παρά μόνο τώρα. Μαζί. Τώρα μαζί. Πάντα μαζί.Οι δυο μαζί..." Τασος Λειβαδίτης
Εκφραση Ζωης θα με αγαπας? { } "Για οτι ειμαι και δεν ειμαι.... θα με αγαπας? Για αυτα τα χαμογελα και τα δακρυα που ζωγραφιζονται στα ματια μου... θα με αγαπας? Για τις στιγμες που ερχομαι και χανομαι... θα με αγαπας? Οταν το πεισμα μου με θολωνει... θα με αγαπας? Και οταν σε πνινω απο αγαπη και δεν μπορεις να αναπνευσεις?... θα με αγαπας? Οταν κανω λαθη και φερομαι ανοητα,οταν με κυνηγα ο εαυτος μου... θα με αγαπας? Και τοτε που ολοι φευγουν,και μ'αφηνουν ,και φυγω ,και φυγεις και εσυ.... Τοτε θελω να με αγαπας πιο πολυ και απο ποτε...πιο περα και απο το παντα...πιο μακρια και απο το τελος της υπαξης μου....Πιο πανω ομως απο μενα και απο καθε εμενα ,θελω να αγαπας την αγαπη... Αυτη δινει ζωη και νοημα στην υπαρξη..... Αυτη αφηνει ανεξιτηλα σημαδια στην ψυχη... Αυτη σε συνοδευει με ενα φορτιο αναμνησεις... Αυτη σε γλυκαινει μεσα απο την λαγνα της παρουσια,,,,, Αυτη σε εφερε στην ζωη μου!! Για αυτο σ'αγαπω.... Για οτι μου δινει η παρουσια σου και η τυχον απουσια σου... Σ'αγαπω... Οταν με διεκδικεις,με ολες σου τις αισθησεις,απολυτα και εγωιστικα... Σ'αγαπω... με ολες τις αληθειες .....μα και τα ψεματα σου αν βρεις το θαρρος να μου τα παραδεχτεις,γιατι ολοι μας κανουμε λαθη.... Σ'αγαπω... Για καθε τι που νιωθω διπλα σου,τις χαρες και τις λυπες,ολα τα ωραια και τα ασχημα...για οτι μοιραζομαστε... Σ'αγαπω... Για την τρελα που φερνεις στο μυαλο μου οταν κανεις καταληψη στην σκεψη μου... Σ'αγαπω... Για εναν εναν και μονο εναν λογο...! Σ'αγαπω γιατι ετσι ειμαι εγω.... Σ'αγαπω εως το τελος { } Αγαπησε με περα απο αυτο { } Γ.Α. Καληνύχτα μας

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Αυτή η καταραμένη συνήθεια, να επενδύεις στην ψυχή των άλλων, ερήμην τους! ~Αλκυόνη Παπαδάκη~ Όπως αγαπάς-facebook
Έλα να ανταλλάξουμε κορμὶ και μοναξιά. Να σου δώσω απόγνωση, να μην είσαι ζώο, να μου δώσεις δύναμη, να μην είμαι ράκος. Να σου δώσω συντριβή, να μην είσαι μούτρο, να μου δώσεις χόβολη, να μην ξεπαγιάσω. Κι ύστερα να πέσω με κατάνυξη στα πόδια σου, για να μάθεις πια να μην κλωτσάς. Ντ. Χριστιανόπουλος Εκφραση Ζωης

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Κάνε κάτι μωρέ.. Ότι να 'ναι.. Κουνήσου.. Πες ένα.. ________ Oχι.. Άρπαξε μερικές στιγμές.. ___________________ Π' ανάθεμα σε!! Α. Παπαδάκη
In honor of THE IDEALS that Bob Marley and many other greats stood for.... Society has proven quick to immortalize certain historical figures throughout the ages and propagate their characters as being infallible or unattainable. This, regardless of being intentional or not, portrays these 'icons' in a 'larger than life' like way which ultimately conflicts with what it is these individuals stood for in the first place, since, not only is it largely untrue, but also because it disempowers the common man and woman from rising to engage in the challenges formerly met by their predecessors. We tend to be comforted by the delusion that there are inborn 'super heroes' who know no 'sin', have been endowed with certain esoteric like leadership qualities foreign to the rest of us, and have been 'sent' to come save us while we can sit on our asses and do nothing, rather than the disturbingly realistic depiction of fragile human beings who have made many mistakes throughout their lives, and have endured great hardship, failure, and pain, as being the actual forces that help to bring about positive change in our world. This prevailing dogma is for several reasons, but mostly because the former frees us from responsibility while the latter suggests we could, in fact, do SOMETHING to change this dying and decaying world ourselves and by not doing something we may, in fact, be partly to blame for its INEXCUSABLE state. We celebrate these individuals internationally on 'special' occasions as if unwritten tradition. But we must be CLEAR about what it is EXACTLY we are celebrating, which is their image, itself being largely distorted and capitalized upon by big business, and not their timeless ideals, for which they worked so hard for — many LITERALLY sacrificing their lives to share them with us and help us see that ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE. We are quick to follow their social media images controlled by other human beings rather than their ACTUAL teachings and ideals, which one could justifiably conclude based on their efforts, they would have wanted instead. These people may be dead, but their teachings and their ideas, for which they DEDICATED their lives, continue to echo in eternity and are simply waiting for us to embody and further develop them. Rather than pledging loyalty and allegiance to their images, we MUST pledge loyalty and allegiance to the ideals of unity, equality, justice, freedom and Truth, which they stood so FIRMLY for. It is in this way that we honor their memory, NOT by obsessing over their public persona. — με το χρήστη Bornless Spirit και 2 ακόμη.
Ώσπου έρχεται κάποτε η μέρα, που αποφασίζεις να γυρίσεις σελίδα στο βιβλίο της ζωής. Και τότε νιώθεις πραγματική ευτυχία, γιατί διαπιστώνεις ότι υπάρχουν τόσες πολλές σελίδες,με τόσο ωραία πράγματα πίσω από τη σελίδα που είχες κολλήσει τόσο καιρό. ~Zayn Malik~
Εγώ την τρέλα μου την φοράω καπέλο, μεγάλε. Δεν την αφήνω να μου γίνει θηλιά. Κι όσο για την παράγκα μου μόλις δω πως πιάνει κοριούς ανάβω ένα σπίρτο και την καίω. Δεν το ‘χω για τίποτα. ‘’Πόσο κάνει;’’ Λέω στη μοίρα μου. Τι χρωστάω; Τόσο… Μου λέει. Παρ’ τα και δίνε του. Έχω ένα ραντεβουδάκι με την επόμενη μέρα… Αλκυόνη Παπαδάκη
Shortened to "no fucks were given" from facebook "Word Porn"

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Μπίλη ΓερακέλληΟ έρωτας το παιχνίδι που παίζεται στην περιοχή των ορίων II 19 ώρες πριν Ο έρωτας είναι μια αρένα,στην οποία μπαίνουν περήφανα, όσοι έχουν αποφασίσει να ζήσουν με τη σάρκα που κάηκε ή σημαδεύτηκε χωρίς πλαστική επανόρθωσης.... όσοι έχουν αποφασίσει να ζήσουν με το δάχτυλο στη σκανδάλη και το όπλο πάντα στραμμένο στον κρόταφο τους.... Αννα Τσεκούρα- Taken from Facebook 6/2/2014
"More important is not how much you have but with whom you share it" -Fabian Perez